

The following is how I’d setup a new team.

Hiring and promoting

What I value in colleagues:

  1. impact. delivers more clients (selling, marketing) or better clients (product, retention, virality, upsells). is autonomous in big and small decisions, knows where the market and tech is going to, understands quality and users, and merges that to deliver value to users/clients.
  2. focus. can focus on a small number of things. doesn’t need to be a part of every project at first. focuses on work topics of revenue and product instead of org and process details. drama-free.
Interview example. When interviewing you try to award 2-1-0, per question, and then as a total. 2 means the person impressed you, checked all ticks without help, and is a natural leader. 1 means the person is ok, has experience/ motivation and can add value with a bit of help. 0 means the persom will require lots of management, explanation, will be a distraction. - Step 1: What is future of this industry? - talks about other tools in depth. - knows existing use cases, pains and solutions. - knows the future of tools and what tech enables. - Step 2: What are we doing in this company? - knows company and product well. - actually tested it. - has questions and suggestions. - Step 3: What are the the challenges your expect in your function? - the issues they identify are the ones you do too. - Step 4: What is your experience in that? - has relevant experience, can talk about it, identifies real aspects (company, team size, their role in team) - Step 5: What would you do in this challenge (problem solving). - solves the actual problem with tools (code, sells) - explains clearly what is happening. - Step 6: How do you piss off people? - identifies real flaws that are actionable - avoids common place (i'm a perfectionist).

Building teams

Once your company is 10+ you should think about teams.


We split our calendar into 4 windows:

Interactions in detail

We plan on the last month of the quarter. In this Problem Finding tasks, there are many possible good plans, and infinite bad plans. It’s important that the teams know that and works hard to build the best possible next quarter.

Once per week, we keep people in the loop:

Demo philosophy:


This is what is currently working for us. It’s not perfect, but it feels real. :)