
The UPS of the Internet

I think AI will spawn a world’s first UPS of data.

Imagine a global, publicly accessible message queue between apps.

That is, any app can call a central service and say “leave this message for that user of that app”. And then any user can go that central service and ask “are there messages for me from that app?”.

Why this is important

This is important because AI and collaborative workflows are the norm, and both of them are async.

I will explain. So, most apps are a database + interface.

The exception to that is the connection beween different users and between different apps. That requires another service to be available to connect users and applications. And if you want to connect users in different apps, then this becomes far more problematic.

Some of the users and apps are available, others aren’t. Some speak the same language, some don’t.



Implement a message queue with just 2 calls:

Message properties


